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Listings: 1 to 10 of 10

Pioneer Days: County History published 2018
This 96 page book was written to preserve the historical material displayed throughout Montgomery County in observance of its 200th year. The content was compiled and published in 2018 by volunteers associated with the Bicentennial Committee. It was first decided to create an educational traveling display of posters and memorabilia to celebrate the County’s bicentennial. Requests for a more permanent record led to the publication of this book. It is paperback, coil bound and includes color illustrations/photos, references and an index. The Table of Contents is reproduced on the order form (see link on County History page).
Last Updated: 26 August 2019 [Located in Category: Category 1 (Public)]

History of Montgomery County (reprint of 1885)
This is a reprint of the Montgomery section of the 1885 publication "History of St. Charles, Warren and Montgomery Counties." An index is added to this version. It includes 227 biographical sketches of early families, information that is both factual and entertaining. It is an informative and historical overview of Montgomery County to 1884, including township descriptions and biographies of some residents. The chapters begin with "Early History" and "Indian Wars" and continue chronologically.
Last Updated: 26 August 2019 [Located in Category: Category 1 (Public)]

1878 Historical Atlas of Montgomery County
Since two major fires destroyed many early Montgomery County records, the 1878 Illustrated Historical Atlas published by Edwards Brothers of Missouri is an especially valuable resource. In addition to maps of the towns and open land (by township and range with then-current property owners' names); it includes an index, a list of patrons, business references and illustrations. Along with land patent records, this Atlas assists researchers in determining early land ownership. Size 11x14.
Last Updated: 26 August 2019 [Located in Category: Category 1 (Public)]

1897 Standard Atlas of Montgomery County
Compiled and published by Geo.A.Ogle&Co., it includes a plat book of the villages, cities and townships, photos, index and patrons' directory. Pages by township and range illustrate the then-current property owners' names. Size 11x14.
Last Updated: 26 August 2019 [Located in Category: Category 1 (Public)]

1918 Atlas of Montgomery County
I don't have this one, need the description. Also need to know the size of these books and if the ones that I have (and took pic of) are the same as ones currently available for sale.
Last Updated: 26 August 2019 [Located in Category: Category 1 (Public)]

Mapping the Boone's Lick Road
In this monograph, David P. Sapp outlines his process and documents the evidence for a detailed map of the early Boone’s Lick Road and its variations across east central Missouri in the 1820s. His book is primarily about providing evidence for mapping the road including topography, older maps, gazetteers, surveys and land deeds, town plats, history books, remaining visible sections, newspaper articles and journals. It is not intended as a history, nor an attempt to tell the colorful stories. Rather, his book is meant to accompany a Google map detailing the road. Self published, October 2018.
Last Updated: 28 July 2019 [Located in Category: Category 1 (Public)]

What is this Thing?
By local author Nancy Polette, the book includes photographs of unique and unusual antiques and artifacts from the MCHS Museum. A multiple-choice guessing game is presented. Taking a careful look at the object, the reader guesses how it is made, what possible uses it could have, and who would use this invention. The reader turns the page to discover what it really is and learns some brief history about it, sparking curiosity to investigate further the historical era, personalities, and social times that motivated those from the 1800s to create such gadgets! Published by Pieces of Learning, 80 pages. No charge for shipping this item.
Last Updated: 18 August 2019 [Located in Category: Category 1 (Public)]

Sesquicentennial History of Montgomery City
A general history of Montgomery City with greetings by Mayor and Chairman, 139 pages, illustrated, locally produced. It includes lists of previous city officials as well as then-current employees, businesses and community organizations. Appendices detail properties, business histories and distinguished citizens. No charge for shipping this item.
Last Updated: 18 August 2019 [Located in Category: Category 1 (Public)]

A Look Back at Montgomery City by Ingwersen
A collection of video clips recorded by Otto Ingwersen. Commentary (interviews) is based on the memory of those who experienced these events personally. 18 minutes. No charge for shipping this item.
Last Updated: 28 July 2019 [Located in Category: Category 1 (Public)]

Pictorial History of Montgomery City
A CD with video including old photos (captioned with detailed info) that runs for 38 minutes. FREE with another order - just ask!
Last Updated: 3 October 2021 [Located in Category: Category 1 (Public)]